How to Start Digging:
Digging at excavation sites allows you to uncover various treasures, including cards from the pantheon of your choice.
To initiate a new excavation, simply choose a pantheon from the menu and select a tool to start digging.
The excavation duration will always be 1 hour per tile when using tools; however, consumables like Dynamite and bombs can excavate instantly.
Each tile contains XP and Chronos, but you can also obtain consumables as rewards. There is also one card to be found per map, and once found, you can decide whether to continue digging on that map or move to another one. Keep in mind that you can only have one active excavation on a single map; starting another one on a different map will reset your progress on the previous map.
When you finish an excavation using the Pickaxe or Dynamite, you may see a different style of tile shows up. This is a hint indicating that the card for the map is on a tile adjacent to that one (diagonal tiles are excluded).
To initiate a new excavation, simply choose a pantheon from the menu and select a tool to start digging.
The excavation duration will always be 1 hour per tile when using tools; however, consumables like Dynamite and bombs can excavate instantly.
Each tile contains XP and Chronos, but you can also obtain consumables as rewards. There is also one card to be found per map, and once found, you can decide whether to continue digging on that map or move to another one. Keep in mind that you can only have one active excavation on a single map; starting another one on a different map will reset your progress on the previous map.
When you finish an excavation using the Pickaxe or Dynamite, you may see a different style of tile shows up. This is a hint indicating that the card for the map is on a tile adjacent to that one (diagonal tiles are excluded).

Excavates 1 tile and reveals a hint if the card is adjacent
Duration: 1 HoursReward: 16 Chronos per tile
The excavation work is over
go ahead and unveil your treasures.
go ahead and unveil your treasures.
Rewards obtained
You already have an excavation in progress on this map. Initiating a new dig will result in the loss of your previous progress. Are you certain you want to continue?
You currently have an ongoing excavation on another map. Initiating a new project here will result in the loss of progress on your previous map. Are you sure you want to continue?
You already have an excavation in progress on this map. Initiating a new dig will result in the loss of your previous progress. Are you certain you want to continue?
You already have an excavation in progress on this map. Initiating a new dig will result in the loss of your previous progress. Are you certain you want to continue?
You have already found a card on this map!
You have already found a card on this map. You can continue digging on this same map to collect extra Chronos, XP, Dynamites, and Bombs, but you will not discover more cards. It is advised to start an excavation on a new map instead. Are you sure you want to continue?